water bottle

Crystal Infused Glass Water Bottle Crystal Energy – Crystal Water Bottle



Water Bottle

Green Crystal - Abundance & Growth
Attracting wealth, prosperity and money
Purple Crystal - Spirituality & Intuition
Connecting you closer to enlightenment and finding your true purpose

Yellow Crystal - Willpower & Optimism
Bringing positivity and energy to new beginnings or endeavours
Orange Crystal - Creativity & Change
Simulating creativity, accentuate personal power, increase enthusiasm and bring confidence

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Each coloured crystal has its own unique benefits
Clear Crystal - Cleansing & Purifying
Promoting Peace and Serenity
Pink Crystal - Love & Compassion
Adding more love and kindness to your life
Blue Crystal - Clarity & Communication
Enhancing your communication and self-expression

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Crystals help manifest positive energy and bring inspiration to our everyday life…

Includes carry case : Bottles can be refrigerated. Do not place in the freezer. Do not heat or add boiling water; this may cause the bottle to crack or shatter.


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